"Do not go where the path leads, go where there is no path and leave a trail" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The government printing press

Financial times has in the past week a few articles talking about "currency war"

and see other related links.

Financial investors since 2 years ago have entered a roller-coaster ride and up until today had at least both the down and up phase... thrilling and pleasant to some... there are more tricks to come, definitely... let's pray not to fall out of the chair.

This time round, though, anyone who observed market closely may have to agree that ever since the play got out of control of the free-wheeling American (more precisely Wall Street) capitalist, central bankers have taken over the driving seat.  As central bankers cranking up their printing presses and getting set for the competition, the only way for the financial markets is up, up, and up...

I am still appalled at how far the central bankers are willing to go to fight to make their own endorsed green/yellow/whatever color paper worth less by the day...

Anyway, the ride is far from over so sit tight and enjoy it.  Anyway, as of Fri 8Oct:

Gold - 1340
UST 10-yr 2.4%
Emerging market stock index - back to climax, wah hoo! (with the exception of China A share market which is also crawling back)
Commodities, food, and property - you know
Inflation - I feel steamingly hot here... but sadly the one owns the largest printing press is missing the action
Bond - hope you didn't buy the Mexico century bond... 100 years is a looong time... fund managers are telling me to stretch the tenor.  I've already stretched it to cover at least 2 cycles of future crisis
Currency - where most actions are happening.  keep eyes open wide

9 Oct 10

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