"Do not go where the path leads, go where there is no path and leave a trail" -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 10, 2009

Money Growth and Trade Data

Contrasting numbers from the latest data:

Import Export:

Money growth:
人民币贷款一季度4.58万亿元,二季度新增贷款继续逐月增加。5月6645亿元,6月份新增贷款1.53万亿元,今年上半年新增贷款合计7.38万亿元。 全年贷款可能达到10万亿元,远超过目标5万亿元。


It's also helpful to look into the items of Import Export data:

从出口商品来看,今年上半年有一个值得关注的现象,我国主要劳动密集型产品出口同比降幅均小 于总体降幅21.8%的水平。其中服装及衣着附件出口458.6亿美元,下降8.5%;鞋类出口129.1亿美元,下降4.3%;家具出口117.6亿美 元,下降9.8%;塑料制品出口65.7亿美元,下降7.1%;箱包出口58.9亿美元,下降7%.同期,我国机电产品出口3066.7亿美元,同比下降 21.2%.其中电器及电子产品出口1243亿美元,下降22.7%;机械设备出口1038.8亿美元,下降18.9%.

在进口商品中,今年上半年,我国进口初级产品1167.7亿美元,同比下降 37.1%.其中,铁矿砂进口3亿吨,增长29.3%,进口均价每吨76.2美元,下跌44.6%;原油进口9077万吨进口,微增0.3%,进口均价每 吨344.9美元,下跌52.1%;大豆进口2209万吨,增长28.2%,进口均价每吨411.8美元,下跌29.6%.同期,进口工业制品 3078.2亿美元,同比下降19.7%.其中机电产品进口2082.3亿美元,下降21.4%;化学成品及有关产品进口493.2亿美元,下降 19.2%;汽车进口14.5万辆,下降31.4%;钢材进口813万吨,下降1.8%.

In other words, volume of basic materials and commodities import continued to GROW in double digit. So the gross export number is just saying slump commodity prices.

That is a lot of money pumping propping up a huge appetite. At the same time, export across board keep weakening. Enough reason of concern whether this big stomach can digest it all.

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